samedi 2 août 2014

Some Information On Telepsychiatry For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

By Annabelle Holman

Although there are a lot of people who are suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, only a few of them would actually get treatment because of the distance. Now for those who have this problem, there is a method that is known as telepsychiatry for post-traumatic stress disorder. Basically it is a method wherein one would use video conferencing in order to treat patients who are far away.

The first use of telepsychiatry was during 1950s in Nebraska Psychiatric Institute wherein it was used as a teaching aide. After a decade, researchers at University of Nebraska learned that patients and their families were responsive to it. In Dartmouth Medical School researchers found that this method was not only good in establishing rapport with patients but also in establishing useful collaboration among psychiatrists.

Now in the year 1994, around sixteen programs were using it. In the year 1997, it became even more popular as around twenty five programs were already using it. Nowadays, it is now a common way of treatment just in case one cannot go to in person treatments as this method is also pretty efficient.

Telepsychiatry is slowly becoming a popular way of treating post traumatic stress disorder. Many patients suffering from this condition who were provided psychotherapy through video conferencing showed fewer symptoms and were less depressed, anxious and stressed. Although treatment via video conference does not improve the symptoms as much as in person treatment, it still provides a major improvement.

Now there are even some patients who are diagnosed with this disorder who would say that this type of treatment is really good. They said that the doctors can be able to contact them even though they are miles away. With this, the doctor is able to give them psychiatric services even if they are not presently at the clinic of the doctor.

Now another very important thing to know about people with this condition is that they are extremely scared of going to crowded areas. Now if they would be in crowded places or travel long distances, there is a chance that their condition may actually get worse. It is here that video conferencing can be pretty useful because it allows the doctors to give treatment while the patient is at home.

Now another advantage that video calling would have over the in person treatments would of course be the cost. Now if a patient would cancel a session, there would be such a thing that is known as an opportunity cost. Since cancellations are less in video conferences, then the opportunity costs are less. Also, it is shown that for one hundred patients, an average of 106,000 dollars are spent on in person treatments while only 94,000 dollars are spent on the video conference treatments.

Telepsychiatry, as a growing form of treating this condition, is breaking through the barriers in treatment and is proving to be highly effective. It is a breakthrough that is improving the treatment of patients, the collaboration of medical practitioners and the community of psychiatry. More importantly it is showing potential in leaving a profound positive effect in the lives of people suffering from PTSD.

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