samedi 30 août 2014

Free Public Texas Criminal Records Online

By Claire Dowell

There are several types of documents that fall under the criminal records Texas manages. One of which is the arrest records of the state. Such document is open to the residents of Texas which means that it can be easily accessed by the people when it is needed.

Arrest records in Texas are used and needed in a number of ways. Those who own business would use such document as reference in checking about the background of their people. They do this to make sure that the people who work for them have clean records and can be trusted. Business owners can easily plan on growing their business if they do not encounter problems that are related to the behavior of their people.

Ordinary residents of the state also request for a copy of the arrest record of the person they interact with on a daily basis. This includes their neighbors, caretakers, nannies, tutors, friends and even relatives. Doing this helps them feel secured and safe in their surroundings. Local authorities and investigators also use such document in their investigations. There are times where this document is used as evidence to support a case and can sometimes be the answer that helps close the case.

One can find a lot of information on an arrest record in Texas. The document contains the basic information of the one who has been reported such as the complete name of the individual as well as other names that were used by the person. One would know where the person resides as well as the details of his/her birth. A detailed description of the person's physical appearance is documented. One would also know if there are tattoos, scars or birth marks on the person's body. The document would also show if there were charges filed against the reported individual or not. Not all of the arrest records of the state are open to the public. This is because records of juvenile individuals as well as cases which are still under investigation are closed from public access.

The state of Texas allows individuals to obtain a copy of their personal arrest files. Accessing the records of other people would need a special permission and letter of authorization. The Department of Public Health Services in Texas is where one can request for a copy of an arrest record. It cost $15 in order to gain access to a certain file. One has to provide the basic details about the record that is being requested in the application form to make the search easier. The personal information of the requesting individual is also needed which will be used for documentation purposes.

Arrest records public access is not limited only to the state office since the file is now available through the Internet. When the document is requested online, there is no need to go to any office thus saving one their time and effort. Also, it is very convenient and faster since the needed information is displayed in just seconds.

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