vendredi 29 août 2014

The Importance Of Individual Therapy In Treating Mental Disorders

By Marlene Blevins

The pace of modern life seems to increase all the time. People are under constant pressure to perform, to earn and to compete. Many people struggle to keep up with the demands made upon them. In some cases mental problems such as anxiety and depression start to manifest. When this happens, the best course of action is to seek professional help. By seeking individual therapy Tulsa OK residents can learn to face the pressures of life anew.

One of the biggest obstacles preventing people from seeking professional psychological help is the fact that such treatment is still viewed with suspicion. Many people feel that the need for psychotherapy is a clear indication of weakness. Competitive and ambitious people therefore shun help, even if it means that they must continue with their daily struggles to cope.

Another reason why people never seek help is because they think their own feelings and emotions are normal. They do not realize that ongoing anxiety and unhappiness are certainly not normal. Some people even develop serious mental disorders without even realizing that they are suffering from a disease that can be treated. Professional help should be sought by anyone that feels as if life could and should be better.

Psychotherapy can take many forms. It essence, however, it involves talking through the issues that makes the patient feel unhappy, dysfunctional or stressed. Therapists can employ a wide variety of techniques, depending upon the needs of the patient. Patients with behavioral problems, for example, require a different approach than that needed by patients suffering from anxiety. In some cases psychotherapy is augmented by psychiatric medication.

The therapists will employ any of a large variety of approaches to help the patient to identify his own needs. These needs must be identified before a decision can be made on an appropriate course of action for ongoing treatment. The therapist will also discuss the frequency of the treatment and the duration of each session with the patient. It is also vital that the therapist and the patient agree upon the goals that should be achieved by the psychotherapy.

Patients should clearly understand the fact that no therapist can prescribe solutions or provide answers to the problems faced by the patient. Progress is totally dependent upon the patient. The therapist act as counselor and will simply steer the patient towards finding solutions for himself. Therapists cannot guarantee results and they can never pinpoint the duration of the treatment program. In some cases psychotherapy continues for years.

It is best to choose a therapist that instill trust and that has experience in dealing with similar cases. This is not always easy. It may be worthwhile asking advice from the family doctor or even from the local church minister. Reputable therapists understand that not all patients can relate to them and they will quickly advise new patients if they think that the patient will be better off being treated by another professional.

Mental disorders afflict millions of people. It is certainly not shameful to acknowledge the need for help and to seek professional treatment. Many patients have found that they can regain control of their lives. They are equipped with strategies that help them cope with pressure and negative emotions.

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