dimanche 24 août 2014

Trailer Wraps & The Importance Of Art Everywhere

By Bob Oliver

When it comes to art, in general, museums might be some of the first establishments that come to mind. Maybe you're more interested in spending time at an art gallery where it seems like just about everyone can showcase their work, provided it's engaging enough. However, what about the idea of art being utilized in methods that can be associated with marketing, trailer wraps included? This is where Art Everywhere has come into play and it's a rather promising project to boot.

As told in an article on the Guardian, there is a UK campaign that goes by the name of Art Everywhere. For those who are unfamiliar with this, Art Everywhere is the country's most well-known art exhibit exhibition, which is further illustrated by the implementation of billboards and posters. In fact, 30,000 billboards and posters - maybe even more - were utilized for this purpose. At the onset, I can see this method's potential, especially when art is so visibly interesting that it can appeal to anyone.

One has to wonder what can happen if this method was taken even further. Billboards and posters alike are tremendous for getting any message across but I'd like to think that the same can be said for trailer wraps, which have the distinct advantage of being mobile. In addition, the wraps hold up much better over the course of time, provided the right companies are responsible for building them. This is where authorities along the lines of JMR Graphics can come into effect.

Art Everywhere, from what I have seen, is the type of method that is meant to help differentiate what you and me would characterize as standard marketing. It would be easy enough to visualize a piece of fine art being shown right after an ad meant to promote an energy drink. Seeing as how billboards and other such platforms are being used for this purpose, it's not like Art Everywhere will have a short reach, either. In fact, I'd like to think that a method like this can stand to be used to help many different artists.

I do not think that anyone can argue with the amount of potential associated with Art Everywhere. After all, it's a method that's meant to engage others and I believe that the usage of such public platforms along the lines of billboards only helps to make Art Everywhere that much more powerful. Who's to say that it cannot go on for longer? I believe that with the general interest in art combined with how it can help to make marketing efforts varied more than illustrates this system's effectiveness.

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