mercredi 20 août 2014

Christian Arguments Against Evolution In An Insight

By Linda Ruiz

Evolution simply refers to the slow transformation of life forms and others too. It is believed to be the process by which creatures transition with time. This is a gradual process that takes plenty of time to show. It occurs because these organisms need to survive in the changing environment. Knowledge of the story of creation forms the basis of the Christian arguments against evolution.

Christians are basically skeptic of the presence of advancement due to a number of reasons. These reasons range from biblical ones to lack of visual proof to evolution. Christians believe God to be the perfect designer. Therefore none of his creation needs to change to fit its environment. They are perfect in their original design.

The scripture in the bible is some of the most seasoned writings that man knows. Yet it shows no account of change occurring to any creature. In fact all things on earth are as they were many millenniums back in time. It is knowledge as such that puts the theory to the test.

Not even in recent decades or centuries has there been any vivid report of development. Its existence remains only in theory and experiment. Despite multitudes of research activities the presence of evolution has no evidence. Even the most similar creatures bare a remarkable element of distinction. And show no sign of transition whatsoever.

Evolutionists also use fossil existence to argue their case on progression. This hardly helps them much either. Since no fossil actually proves that there has been organismic development whether past or present. The lack of remains for the intermediate creatures creates puzzle in the theory. And in so doing it creates firms grounds for a counter argument. Evolution could not have been if there are no intermediates and their remains too.

Evolution also gets its basis from the naturalism philosophy. This indicates that the universe exists because of natural forces and the laws around them. It insists that there are no supernatural ones that created the world. This theory too does not have much ground. It hardly gives much for reason and crumbles when duly tested.

Attempts have also been made to establish a link using similarities in genetics. A comparison of characteristics of DNA strands shows significant similarity. This happens especially in organisms with same nature. It is not a conclusive argument though. This element only works to prove God and his superior design in creation. Hence proving this attempt at justification unsuccessful too. It in fact works in line with the Christian argument.

In conclusion therefore, Christians are justified in their argument. Evolution has no evidence whatsoever. It is only theory with no physical proof and with only partial elaborations. Hence it cannot be considered factual. God created the universe with everything in it perfect. No significant change occurs even in a million years.

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