vendredi 29 août 2014

The Bible Tells Us How To Be Saved By Jesus

By Harriet Porter

The Bible gives clear instructions if you wish to take advantage of God's plan of salvation. What you need to do is neither difficult nor costly. Those who learn how to be saved by Jesus recite a simple prayer, asking for forgiveness of sin and promising to turn from sinful ways and live according to God's direction. Many find it hard to give up personal control of their lives.

The work of salvation is already done. Jesus went to a terrible death on the cross to pay for the sins of the whole world. His death was the blood sacrifice required to reconcile sinful mankind with a holy God. His resurrection was the triumph over death, spiritual as well as physical.

For many people, the idea of sin is foolishness. They've been taught that man is essentially good and that right and wrong are relative. Many believe that mankind is either part of the animal world or divine in nature. The existence of a loving creator who established truth and gave rules for life on earth is denied by the humanists. However, new advances in science point to an intricate world that no random events could have evolved.

This is contrary to God's word. God tells us in the Bible that we're born in sin and continue in sin unless we're 'born again' as new creatures with the righteousness of Christ. No one living is without sin. It doesn't matter how much good we think we do. Salvation is not earned; it's a free gift that can be accepted or rejected.

The fact is that God made the world and also the rules we live or die by. The saved know that these rules make our lives better. A holy god cannot enter into relationship with sinners, but when we accept Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross we are redeemed. The penalty of our sin - death - has been paid in full.

Free will is so important to our heavenly father that He gave the very first people, Adam and Eve, the choice to obey or disobey. We know that they chose to 'become like God' and eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This was the 'original sin' that the Bible speaks of.

On first examination, this may seem unfair. Why should a baby be born under this stigma? However, any honest person will acknowledge that he or she falls far short of the holiness that God demands of us. Only the blood of Jesus can make us acceptable to God; His sacrifice continually cleanses us from the sins we commit even if we no longer want to.

So how does it work? The Bible tells us that those who believe in their heart that Jesus died for their sins, accept His sacrifice, and turn from their sins will be saved. After you do so, acknowledge Him before men - in other words, tell others of your salvation in your personal testimony - and continue in fellowship with God for eternity.

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