mardi 19 août 2014

Facts About Pediatric Psychiatry In NYC

By Tanisha Berg

Pediatric psychiatry is the medical specialty that deals with studying and treating mental illness in children. The family members of the child are often included in mental health treatment programs. The reason for this is that when a child is ill, parents and other family members are usually affected. Professionals who specialize in pediatric psychiatry in NYC are required to complete medical training like other doctors. They counsel patients, prescribe medicines, carry out physical examination and order laboratory tests among other things.

Essentially, child psychiatrists are specialized physicians who are skilled at treating children who are suffering from mental illnesses or developmental conditions such as Tourette syndrome, retardation or learning disabilities. Child psychiatrists may work in several settings. They can maintain an office and treat patients on an outpatient basis or treat patients who are in inpatient hospitals.

Pediatric psychiatrists may also work with a state organization like Child Protective Services. They are also able to examine a child who is suspected of suffering abuse or make a decision about the mental fitness of a child suspected of committing a misdemeanor or felony. These medical professionals often work with teams of other mental health professionals.

Some child psychiatrists offer therapy but others do not. They usually work together with counselors and psychologists as well as pediatricians. In order to treat a patient, the professionals start by determining the nature of the mental disorder a child is suffering from. They then create a treatment plan, which often involves prescribing the right medicines.

After a treatment program is created and followed, it may need to be adjusted after some time. Child psychiatrists determine dosage or medication change based on the manner in which a patient is behaving. They may get this information from the guardians or parents of the child. Follow up treatment sessions help ensure that patients receive the right treatment.

Most children are not able to speak fluently about what is troubling them. For this reason, psychiatrists find it necessary to create a harmonious relationship with the guardians or parents of their patient in order to treat him or her effectively. If guardians or parents are not a good resource or are unavailable, psychiatrists observe their patient closely to find out how they are responding to treatment. Other healthcare professionals can make these observations in hospital settings.

Observation during treatment can be more extensive is a psychiatrist offers therapy in addition to prescribing medicines. If this professional only prescribes medicines, he or she may work with mental health professionals such as family and marriage therapists, clinical social workers and psychologists who act as the main sources of therapy for the child. Child psychiatrists can also testify about the mental fitness of a child in court.

Pediatric psychiatrists may also examine and write recommendations or reports about custody placement of children who have been abused by their guardians or parents. Some of these professionals also carry out research or work on developing new treatments for children. As they look for a child psychiatrist to treat their child, the residents of New York City should consider his or her education background, experience and reputation.

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