dimanche 3 août 2014

Jewish American News Stories At Home And Abroad

By Annabelle Holman

When it comes to issues in the middle east, all parties need to take responsibility for the destruction and loss of life going on in the region. It has been said in the Jewish American News and other publications that these parties include Gaza, Israel, Palestine and the West Bank. People in all of these areas have seen enough of this ongoing battle over land and whether or not an area deserves Statehood.

Many of the top news anchors in America and around the World come from orthodox traditions. Whether orthodox, reformed or actively practicing Spiritual aspects of ancient text, it is an interesting Spiritual path and religion. As it is a Faith with multiple sects and laws, it can often take a great deal of time in which to learn.

The orthodox laws of the religion often seem a bit abrupt and harsh to those outside the Faith. Reformers are often thought of as a more liberal aspect to the Faith but must still follow orthodox laws once confirmed. One of the common laws is that when a man or woman marries, it is expected the individual will marry inside the Faith. If not, then the outsider must often reform before the Rabbi will agree to marry the couple.

One of the best ways to pass the time, especially during wartime, is to read the Zohar. The Zohar is the ancient text associated with the Kaballah; Much of the text is written in code that it is said has power simply by sight. It is the interpretation of the text surrounding the code which can help decipher the code.

There are several online magazines, newspapers and webzines dedicated to the Faith. When chatting online, especially with someone whom one does not know, it is important to be kind and respectful. It is also important to remember that people others meet online come from many different backgrounds and religions.

The most interesting news in this genre is the opening and unveiling of the new Center for Jewish Learning & Living. The center is a model of a new experiential religious school model. Activities include using ability oriented Hebrew pods, attending weekend gatherings, enrichment classes and annual gatherings and retreats.

The U. S. Secretary of State is also trying to garner a Cease Fire. His trip to the middle east is the currently being reported on most news stations in America. With meetings with the heads of both Israel and Palestine, it is hopeful he will be successful in doing so. If not, then many populations around the world fear this newest uprising could lead to another wide spread war.

While Jewish children are welcome in many public and private schools, Faith can often be confusing at a young age. If individuals could teach one another to teach one another rather than looking down on others for being different, it could be the beginning to the end of bigotry and hatred. Since this is rarely the case, children who would feel more comfortable at a learning center, or families with difficult schedules can find more information on the school website.

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