vendredi 1 août 2014

Discover Total Equality In An Egalitarian Church

By Annabelle Holman

Gender is one key determinant of what one can and cannot do, hence, the discrimination. And more often than not, women receive this end of the bargain. Males are typically egoistic and the thought of a female stepping over the line of her society constructed roles is plain unacceptable.

This could be because the society was made to understand that men have the authority ever since the world was created. In offices, in the home, even in churches, males mostly occupy the higher echelons of power. Yet, there is this one type that does not look at genders at all, the egalitarian church in Denver.

The egalitarian idea is based on the principle that God created both men and women equally, no matter the order of who was created first, and that they are both human in the eyes of God. Thus, in an egalitarian church, men and women are of equal position and are both allowed to hold pastoral positions. This kind of church exercises total equality among people, overlooking superficial differences like gender, class and race.

Therefore, these churches choose their leaders based on their ability to lead people, not because of their gender. Because they believe that all people are equal before God, there should never be limitations as to what each can do in the church, in the home and in the society. As long as one can do it, then he or she may do it without limits.

Furthermore, both genders can join forces to give out the best results. Men are not good with everything and women can fill up that gap in their knowledge. The same goes for men filling in the gap with women. One should acknowledge that others can do better than them.

An egalitarian church respects that principle and thinks of better ways to serve the community and its people. If females can do it better, then give her credits and if males can, then give them fair recognition. Though both are biologically different, they can complement each other to get things done at their best. That is how the egalitarian system works.

But, no matter how ideal this system may be for some people, other people may look at it a whole new angle. They say that although aspiring equality in all aspects is admirable, egalitarians might just forget that people were designed and created with some particular roles in life like for women to give birth and for men to provide for her and their baby. However, the roles you play does not mean that you are not equal anymore. You still are, it is just that you do different things that you are created by God to do.

Equality between couples in handling family life often comes out as an issue for some people. The society has molded males to take over his family while his wife does the backing up. However, most of the marriages like that do not usually takes on a happy ever after. When the husband and wife is in mutual understanding with each other, they live in harmony and peace.

The society should acknowledge women power as they are nowadays empowered to do things they were not allowed to do before. Slowly, they are gaining names in the industry and in business. Equality should be fully achieved in order to make the world a better place to live in.

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