jeudi 20 février 2014

Why People Like YWAM DTS Locations

By Krystal Branch

YWAM DTS Locations are aplenty and are growing all the time. It is difficult to keep up with all of the mission bases all of the world and one has to think carefully before going off to one of these schools. It is a big decision that you must take which is why you must weigh up all of your options before you head off over there.

There are some people who want to be based in the city and others who will prefer something more rural. This depends on your personality and what you prefer doing in terms of ministry. You have to find out what the mission statement is of each base and then take it from there. This is very important at the end of the day.

This all depends on what you are actually interested in. You may have a passion for something in particular and this can be useful for how you can get your message across. There are various tools that you can use and you will learn about these in the lecture phase so you will be well prepared before you go out in the mission field.

People keep on starting more and more schools in both cities and in rural areas. These people are called to do so. They either do so by themselves or they have a team of people to help with this. Sometimes it is something that is very small and other times it is much bigger. There are schools that are much more popular than others for various reasons.

One has to go to a place where you feel you are meant to be and this takes a decision that is not rushed. For some people, this may depend on your budget, but you could also turn to fundraising. Some people belong to big churches where there are those who are willing to contribute towards your funds.

If there is a theme to this, then you will be able to find something which is appropriate. If you are looking for a soccer focused DTS location, for example, you may want to head off to Brazil. It is also something that people do at a particular time of the year or during a season. For example there are world championships or there is a world cup happening.

You have to know what you want out of this and this will determine where you will land up. You may have a certain calling for the people of South America, for example. If you are keen on soccer then this may be the time where you can talk to people in Brazil at the World Cup. You will be taught how to do this during the lecture phase.

There may be a few challenges that you will face along the way, but this is something that happens when you go on mission trips, and with the rewards, come other aspects that you will face. One must face this when it comes up. Overall, you will find that YWAM DTS locations offer a great variety and you won't be disappointment.

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