dimanche 23 février 2014

Interview Tips For Fresh Graduates Looking For Jobs

By Krystal Branch

Nowadays, there are a high number of applicants searching for a job. These people may be fresh graduates or those who are looking for a change in work environment. When they apply for a job vacancy, they should prepare to go through interviews. To pass off as a qualified applicant during an interview, here are the things that they should do.

First of all, it is only normal to practice answering interview questions. No matter what the jobs in the Caribbean that one wants to apply to, an interview is inescapable so practicing the responses for potential questions should help one out. Think about those questions that the employers might ask and formulate a good answer for them.

Do proper research. The research should revolve more on the company's profile. For the research, better focus on knowing more about the company, its mission, vision, and goals, basic organizational structure, target market, and business nature. When answering questions during this interview, one's knowledge about these might come in handy.

Prepare for the day. The person should arrive at the interview venue looking formal. The attire that one should wear to the interview has to look neat and tidy. It should also be appropriate for the type of firm that one is applying for. Do not forget to bring a portfolio with one's resume in it. Bring paper and pen as well.

Always be on time for the interview. Since the person is the one who is being interviewed, it is necessary to be there at least ten to fifteen minutes earlier than scheduled. If the person is not sure where the company is located, take some time to go there. It will prevent one from being late to the interview.

During the interview, the person should not let his or her nervousness show. Try to stay calm during an interview. Relax and regroup the mind first before responding to any questions. Also, try to maintain eye contact with the interviewer. By doing this, the person can give off a sense of self-confidence. This can surely impress the interviewers.

Since the person has already done proper research about the company beforehand, it should be easy to relate the information one has researched to the answers that he or she will provide the interviewers during the interview. By doing this, one can match the answers to the requirements of the company. This is surely advantageous for his or her application.

There might be times when the company prefers to do a phone interview first. In this case, one has to treat the phone interview the same way as any other interview. Show some etiquette when speaking with the interviewer on the phone. Being prepared to handle phone interviews can get a person a ticket to the next hiring stage.

Do not hesitate to follow up with a thank you note. This must be sent to the interviewers at least 24 hours after the interview. With the thank you note, it is possible to reiterate a person's interest in taking up the position. The importance of a thank you note is even more emphasized when one is invited for multiple interviews.

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