vendredi 21 février 2014

Some Valid Arguments Against Evolution

By Krystal Branch

The theory of evolution by Charles Darwin is known to be one of the most complex theories as it aims to try to theorize the possibility of the evolving of entities in order to become what people see today. This is to debunk the theory of the creation of the earth and inhabitants by a higher power. However, there are a lot of arguments against evolution that cannot be ignored because this theory is still not solid enough to prove that it is real.

Now one of the most common arguments against this theory is that it cannot be true because it is simply not happening in the present. Although many scientists would say that it happened thousands of years ago, they cannot seem to prove that it is happening again now. If one would think about it logically, if this kind of occurrence happened years ago, it should still be happening until now.

There are actually many in the science community that had tried to create a new species by mutating them but actually failed. Even though many have bred animals with other animals in order to form many varieties of that animal, no new species have been made through a natural order. That is why the evolution theory is very hard to accept.

Of course it is also very hard to prove that this occurrence happened in the past because there is no real proof that it did. Many evolutionists use the fossil records as proof that it happened before but in a very slow manner. However, the problem here is that there are missing links in fossils that no one has discovered yet.

Another missing link that has yet to be discovered would be the one that would link the humans to the primates. Of course humans are believed to have evolved from the monkeys but underwent a rather slow process of evolving before they could become humans. What cannot be found is the being that existed in between the evolving of a monkey to a human.

Now of course everything has to have an origin no matter what anyone says simply because something cannot just appear out of the blue. So if humans did come from the monkeys, then another question that would be asked would be where the monkeys came from. The origins of all beings would lead back to the fact that they were created from nothing.

Of course evolutionists would state that everything started with a big bang hence the Big Bang Theory. Of course the big bang had to also have an origin as there must have been something that caused the big bang. Now the problem here is that no one can actually prove where this big bang actually came from.

As one can see, the theory of evolution has so many missing parts which cannot be proven up until today. That is why arguments against evolution are ever present. A lot of things in the world cannot be proven by the theory simply because it can never explain the origin of everything.

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