mercredi 26 février 2014

How To Manage Everything When Working And Studying At The Same Time

By Leticia Jensen

For you to become a counselor, you should have finished an undergrad course like psychology, sociology and other related courses. This is very important because if you do not know how to handle a person then surely you will just worsen the case. But even if you already finished a degree, job is still different and this is why you need to undergo continuing education for substance abuse counselors.

You can choose to have a formal or informal one. Formal are those which are in self study, training and workshops. Formal ones are those in which you really have to finish a session such as two months for you to earn a certificate. Or getting into online classes for virtual learning. Taking a second course is also a formal one.

Well, working and studying as one can be very hard and mind bugging so you have to make sure that you can manage everything because if you are not sure, then you have to educate yourself about some ways on how to avoid being confused. This is because if you cannot manage yourself in this, all types of mess are possible to happen.

It is advisable to have a fixed time with your work and studies for you to establish a routine. Establishing a routine is the best way for you to keep yourself fast and effective. This is also for you to determine the time in which you really are free and where you can chill and enjoy. A two hour assignment and study time a day is enough.

As much as possible download your articles and print them out so that you can bring it anywhere. Unless you have a tablet or a phone that can show articles. As much as possible avoid reading it thru computer to avoid some temptations such as networking sites and porn. This is for you to keep yourself focused.

Know where to put your work related files and stuff and where to place your school supplies and test sheets. You have to separate both because it might confuse you which is the most common issue encountered by most continuing students. Mixing stuff is not ideal especially if your work and school is somehow identical.

You need to buy yourself a planner if you still do not believe that they are effective. If you think they are not effective at least buy something where you can take down notes all your present and upcoming activities for you to keep yourself guided and for you to have control of your time and pleasure. Both factors go together sometimes and the result is always waste.

When it is moment for you job then do not peek at your studying stuff. If it is time for your education then do not attempt to answer some calls unless it is very important such as emergencies and deals. This is for you to keep yourself focused.

Undergoing further education for substance abuse counselors can be very tiring. But if you really think that you are destined in this work, then you have to be determined enough to face all of those difficulties.

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