lundi 24 février 2014

Analysis Of The Monuments Men Movie

By Krystal Branch

The monuments men movie is a classic film that is based on one of the best treasure hunts stories in the history. The movie was shot and filmed by the finest of casts in the industry. This has created a name for itself and it was a blockbuster. With the phenomenal collection of characters, the ticket sales across the major cities in the world were really exceptional. The film had a number of stories based on the battles that were fought for a number of years.

The main story revolves around a treasure hunt. This hunt is one of the best treasure hunts in the modern history as it spans a couple of decades in the process. It starts in the First World War as the pieces of jewels are stolen from the owners. As the owners try to regain the possession, the plot thickens. This is what makes the hunt span into the second world war in the process.

The plot of this story takes place in the early stages of First World War. The team assembled was to fast track the recovery of fine pieces of art. The jewels had been stored safely by the society in question. This means that over the years, the jewels were passed on from one generation to another. There was a need to continue with the heritage.

A lot of production firms were involved in the shooting and acting of this film. Columbia Pictures did the shooting of videos in the jungle. The videos were later edited so as to fit into the drama. The cast of this drama had a number of famous actors. These played a very crucial role in promoting the success of this movie across the major cinemas in the world.

The story is based on the operations that had been initiated by the owners to recover the lost pieces of jewels. There are two sides of this treasure hunt story. The special team that had been assembled by the owners of the pieces of art had some mules in it. The mules were used by the enemy to leak various types of information about the recovery operation.

After some time, the loyal soldiers realized that some of the players within the team were colluding with the enemy. Strategies had to be changed so as to counter the mules. The information leaked went along way into helping the enemy is countering all the recovery operations.

The enemy was soon to be captured after the soldiers laid a trap for him. This was done through a special covert operation by the soldiers. The traitors within the team were shamed in the process. This twist of events aims at passing a special message about loyalty. The subject matter resonates well with sudden change of events.

The monuments men movie is made interesting by the addition of special tools. In the process, the plot becomes very unpredictable. As the use of very complicated settings and devices is furthered, the story becomes very complicated. This means that it can only be meant for very mature audience.

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