mardi 25 février 2014

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back With This Winning Attitude

By Brent Peterson

Your desire to get back together with your ex-girlfriend or wife is very normal. The loss of someone that you care about in your life can be devastating. If your ex was a part of your life every day then you might be feeling a little lost and lonely. The rejection from the breakup has taken a toll on your ego, your self-esteem and your confidence. While you search for a solution and wait for your ex to come back, it is important that you remain cool and calm. When it comes to your relationship, your attitude has everything to do with your success.

Most guys try all the tried and true methods that they are told will help them to convince their girlfriend to come back. You have probably already thought of trying to talk things through or promising that things will be different in order to change her heart. Of course, in case you didn't already know, these methods aren't going to get you anywhere. Unless your wife or girlfriend has a desire to work things out, these methods will only make her avoid your further. If you are guilty of trying to talk to her about getting back together or if you made some emotional plea for her to come back to you because you love her then you have done more damage than good. The only way that you are going to undo this damage is by giving her a little space and time. You should avoid trying to make contact with her and wait for her to connect with you again. It will happen but it's going to take a while. You can contact her again at some point if you want to but only once you have your life straightened out and you are feeling strong emotionally again.

From here on out, you're going to work on your attitude. The attitude that works best when trying to attract your ex back or any woman, for that matter, is one of self-respect and indifference. You must prepare yourself and be willing to literally walk away at the first sign of disrespect coming from her. The moment you start to feel that she is laughing at you, belittling you or disrespecting you, you're going to leave the situation. You're not going to react or become angry. You're simply going to terminate communicating with her. This new found attitude will be seen in your actions, your words as well as how you carry yourself from here on out in life.

Along with this new attitude you need to put any thought out of your mind that concerns how she will react to your new attitude. It's going to be a little shocking for her, that's for sure. If she is accustomed to yelling at you or calling you names, she is accustomed to holding all the power in the relationship. If, in the past, you stood there and took this abuse or if you tried to argue with her or explain yourself, those days are through. From now on, you will remind her that she is not your partner, girlfriend or wife. She relinquished that title and the right to state her opinion about anything when she left you. You will turn and literally walk away from the conversation and take that power with you. She will do one of two things. She will either come after you immediately and apologize or she will think about what just happened for a while. She will then have gained some respect for you as a man and the process of falling in love with you will begin.

Next, never let your girlfriend or wife see you upset, sad or depressed. You always want your ex to see you at your best. This means that your physical appearance is tidy and clean. You have a smile on your face and your body posture and body language says that you are happy. You have a renewed zest for life. You have goals and dreams as well as the ability to achieve anything that you set your mind to. While the breakup was devastating to you, your life is actually better now that you no longer worry about what she thinks of you. You're free to do what you want with your life.

The temptation might be there still to want your ex to think that you're sad about your breakup. You might think that she will expect you to be sitting at home alone in the dark missing her and wanting her to come back to you. Look, you will gain nothing by portraying this side of you to your girlfriend. She will only lose respect for you and view you as sad and pathetic. Pain does not equal love. If she wonders if you miss her then she should ask you. This is your life we're talking about and every day that you spend being upset and lonely is a wasted day. Don't ever let her see you cry or upset about the breakup and never tell her that you love her. You can tell her that you love her about a minute or two after she confesses that she still loves you. Make her sweat a little bit.

Along with all of this, you need to back up your claims to being so happy and loving life with something real. What are you doing? What is your life all about? It's time that you solidified your goals and dreams and wrote them down. You have wasted enough time being sad. It's time for you to be happy. What makes you happy? What do you want to achieve in your life? Do you want to travel the world? Have you always dreamed about being wealthy? How are you going to get there? What do you dream about when you're feeling good and you feel that you can achieve anything? Write it down and start making plans for how you're going to achieve these goals. Whether your girlfriend or wife is a part of that dream is up to you.

You will find that in relationships with women and in life, in general, your attitude has everything to do with your success. Women have an instinct for picking up how strong or weak a man is and they are always attracted to men that are confident and who have vision. People in general are attracted to others that are happy. This is just how we are wired. Once your ex realizes that she made a huge mistake about you and your relationship, she will want come back to you. Once she feels attracted to you again there will be no holding her back. Any obstacle that was in her way before will be gone. There will be no need to talk about the breakup and you won't have to change a thing about yourself. She will want to get back together and you will be the one to decide whether you want to continue the relationship or not.

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