mercredi 23 juillet 2014

What It Means To Participate In The Haiti Mission

By Paulette Mason

Haiti is relatively small but has got a huge population. It is found west of Hispaniola and is one of the Caribbean countries. The country is extremely beautiful but its history is not particularly a nice one. It was first a dominion of Spain followed by France. This period of dominance by foreign powers was characterized by massive exploitation of natural resources which were transported to France. This has been compounded by the 2010 devastating earthquake that left 220000 people dead and the cholera outbreak in the same year . All these reasons among others have severely affected economic growth in Haiti and today ranks as one of the poorest countries in the world. The situation in this country has led to the development of the Haiti mission with a view of helping in any manner possible provide services to the Haitian people and generally improve their living standards.

These missions are managed largely by the church in Haiti which has liaised with other North American churches. The United Nations has also greatly contributed to the change witnessed in Haiti. It has strongly backed efforts by local authorities to reconstruct and stabilize the nation.

Some major areas the UN has strongly supported include the maintenance of peace and stability, empowerment of the institutions of governance and has contributed to the protection of civil rights and freedoms. The union has for a very long time stationed peace keeping forces in the country.

Various teams from different organizations, churches and countries plan foreign trips to volunteer and change for good the lives of Haitian people. Haiti outreach ministries, for example, depend on mission teams committed to travelling to Haiti and helping with some of the voluntary service rendered in the country.Most visitors are normally of American origin.

People can contribute to these activities regardless of ones professional background since there is a wide range of tasks that require manual skills. Volunteers can engage in construction activities, teacher training or teaching, in general upkeep, organizing and facilitating activities such as school trips, seminars or bible study and provision of medical care. Those intending to stay longer can engage in other activities other than those of their teams that require long term engagement.

Individuals preparing to participate in voluntary programs must be prepared to foot all the expenses they anticipate to incur. A guest house costs at least $35 per individual. The cost a trip is largely pegged on the size of your team. One ought to be prepared for some possible expenses such buying gifts, collecting souvenirs, purchasing products from local artisans. One might also find it necessary to purchase few requirements used in the voluntary work.

Those not ready to take a trip can always contribute to these missions for example through offering scholarships or financial aid. However a trip here is often an experience that profoundly impacts on your life.

Those who have had the opportunity to serve the people of Haiti, attest that it is a great opportunity and one that change their lives.

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