lundi 28 juillet 2014

Forensic Neuropsychologist In Los Angeles Does Testing For Criminal Court Cases

By Miranda Sweeney

The forensic neuropsychologist is educated to the doctoral level. He or she is then licensed as a practicing psychologist. The task of testing alleged criminals is not the only work performed. The forensic neuropsychologist in Los Angeles may also see patients in private practice in addition to serving as a witness in court.

An individual is licensed to practice psychology before performing this type of testing. There is additional training at the formal graduate level for one who wishes to be board certified. Board certification indicates qualifications that are of the highest level in that field.

The task of this professional is evaluating litigants facing criminal charges in a court of law. It is an extensive and sometimes lasts for three days. The final report indicates state of mind the accused is trying to fake insanity. Many alleged criminals will try to fool the examiner to evade conviction.

This offshoot of clinical neuropsychology works to provide information relevant to a legal trial or appeal. A litigant may be judged unfit for trial or legally insane in some cases. The testing is based on that used to validate whether a patient is brain impaired for medical evaluation.

The only way it is different is the application is to those charged with criminal activity. Brain dysfunction in the neurological or non-neurological sense will be discovered. The results of testing are turned over to the lawyer who requested the evaluation.

The person who enters this field will have medical knowledge in addition to psychological expertise. Also valuable is any legal knowledge. He or she will be working with litigants charged with vicious crimes such as kidnapping, robbery and murder.

Test results are intended to assist attorneys and judges in dealing with a crime case. In the case of an appeal to a higher court, the litigant has already been convicted and is serving time in prison. The appeal is made to overturn the conviction for one of a variety of reasons.

Evaluating criminals and possibly testifying in court is a source of higher income for any psychologist. There are specific things that should be part of the testing. A few of these are reviewing social adjustment and ability to maintain employment.

Many criminals are sociopathic or have a serious disorder such as borderline personality disorder. The sociopath has no empathy for the pain of another person, physical or emotional. He or she often enjoys inflicting distress and pain on another person.

The testing process is extensive. It can take two or three days to complete. The phases of these tests include cognitive ability, perception, motor coordination and attention span encompassing visual and auditory facets.

In addition the presence of an emotional disorder can be verified. If there is a learning disability it may have resulted in impaired judgement. All levels of skills are important.

A final report is compiled for the attorney to use in planning the case. After testing, the forensic neuropsychologist will be employed to serve as a witness during a trial. Most cases being tried involve rapists, home invaders and murderers. It is a large responsibility making sure they do not go free to hurt another victim.

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