samedi 26 juillet 2014

New Jersey Divorce And Family Law Attorney Provides Custody Tips

By Clayton Maske

If you can no longer live with your spouse, you have to make some kind of decision, and the sooner the better. You are probably going through a great deal of stress, and when children are a part of the picture, it can make things even more difficult. Your New Jersey divorce lawyer can help, and here are some useful custody tips to consider.

If both parents can come to an agreement, it will be easier on everyone involved. It may not be simple, but try to put your differences aside when it comes to the child (or children). The less fighting and legal issues you face, the less the kids have to suffer.

Maybe you would like to have sole custody of your child. This may not be easy, as the state encourages shared custody arrangements. You will have to prove that the other person is unfit to parent the child. It is always best to consult an attorney in matters like this, as you could be in for a long custody battle.

If you believe that the woman always gets the kids, you are wrong. In fact, New Jersey law allows both parents equal rights. However, a woman may receive custody if her partner has past issues with domestic abuse or if there is a history of violence or criminal activity.

Beware of custody orders that contain conditions or stipulations. For example, if your visitation periods have specific time limits, they must be adhered to. Custody conditions are a matter of law, ordered by the courts.

When custody is a major issue in a relationship, make sure to hire a legal professional that has a great deal of experience with these issues. A good divorce attorney can do many things for you and is there with some of the most important legal advice of your life. Do not attempt to solve these issues without a good attorney or you and your children may pay the price for many years.

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