lundi 21 juillet 2014

Creating An Anime Review Show

By Marylou Forbes

If you are planning on coming up with this type of show, then there are definitely a lot of things that you have to prepare. If you are going to be the host, then you are recommended to be the one to read this article. You would find some helpful tips below so be able to use them to your utmost advantage.

First of all, you have to possess a more objective mind. If you are going to be subjective all the time, then there is a great possibility that you will lose the audience of your anime review show. So, learn to have to perfect balance to these two elements because that will be the main key to your success.

Second, you would have to learn to make more comparisons. If the anime has been derived from a manga, then you need to give out some points on whether they are the same or not. If they lean more into the latter side of the equation, then people would learn what to expect when they are watching the film.

Third, you are required to start with a brief introduction. Let your audience know what you are going to talk about for the day. Begin with the name of the anime. Then, you can proceed to its brief summary. Just make sure that other people would understand what you are saying so that your project would be as effective as ever.

You would also have to give tiny bits of the plot. However, stop yourself from revealing too much. If you have never been the writer type, then you may ask for editor to do the script for you so that you would only be responsible in saying those words in front of the camera. In that case, then you would only be committing a few mistakes.

You will also have to make technology work to your advantage. For starters, you can suggest to your staff that your studio should be surrounded with LCD screens. The screens can serve as additional reference if ever your audience will send in some recommendations on how much they love you to go visual and all.

Just look into every detail of the film. If it has been well translated, then be able to voice that out to all the people who are watching your show. Keep in mind that these individuals are hungry for knowledge. Thus, if you would be able to give them what they want, then they would have no reason to leave you soon.

The dubbing quality is also another important factor that you have to consider. If it has passed your standards, then feel free to put an emphasis on that. This would be a juicy fact for people who tend to learn more when they are hearing things and not when they are seeing them.

Overall, always remember that the show is not about you. It is about all the anime lovers out there. So, keep them in mind when you are having brainstorming sessions with the team that you have created.

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