vendredi 3 janvier 2014

What Do Women Look For In A Man

By Andrew Tatiana

What do girls really look for in a guy? The answer to that question might be a little more difficult to explain that most people believe. If you are a single guy, your answer might be a little bit different than what a single woman might tell you. Your experiences in life and what many experts might tell you is different than what is actually true. What a single girl might tell you could make matters even more confusing as you search for what women look for in a potential partner. There is a lot of bad information being tossed around that promises to enlighten us but the truth can be found by looking at society and thinking logically about what women really want.

You will often hear that women are attracted to guys with money. They like nice cars, a guy's ability to buy them things and take them places. You have perhaps even heard the saying that first you have to get the money and then you can get the girl. This mindset often holds many guys back from approaching beautiful women because they assume that they don't have the kind of money necessary to date a high quality woman. They fear that they will be rejected because they're not rich and they can't buy them the things that a pretty woman will want. They give up before they have even begun.

Sure, there are women out there that go after guys with money. They are formally known as gold diggers and they're really not the kind of women that you want to date. Your relationship with a woman like this isn't stable and there will always be a guy out there that is richer and you don't want to be loved for what you can provide in terms of material goods, do you. The good news is that most women are not this way. Most women don't care how much money you make and they don't want you to buy them things. They don't want to feel like you're buying their affection and it makes a real woman feel cheap and dirty. That should make sense to you and the myth that women are attracted to rich guys is just a myth. Forget about how much money you make and if you are wealthy then let that be a pleasant surprise for later in your relationship with the woman of your dreams.

Well, if women don't look for riches in a mate then they surely must judge guys based upon looks. This is how most guys initially become attracted to women so the same must be true for most women, right? Women look for the most handsome or the guy with the biggest muscles since this denotes strength and virility, right? Women who are in shape tend to date guys that work out. Famous models are always seen with guys that look like models and movie stars date their co-stars. This is what we are told in the media. It is what we see every day so it must be true, right?

While looking tidy, clean and being odor-free is important to any human being, women don't typically judge a man based upon his looks. Actually, many women avoid guys that are overly handsome or muscular due to the fact that they tend to have big egos. While it's good that you care for your body, your smile is more important than your face. How you look when you genuinely smile is more attractive to women than having movie star good looks. There are plenty of instances where beautiful movie stars fall in love with normal looking or even somewhat ugly guys over their handsome counterparts.

This is where things get very confusing. If you ask most women what they look for in a guy they will tell you that he must be nice. Most women will remark that they can't find a nice guy or they'll complain that all the nice guys are taken. As a result, you might think that all you have to do is be nice to her or show her now nice you are and she will fall in love with you. Save a few kittens out of a tree or buy her some flowers and she will realize that you're a nice guy and you will be giving her what she says she wants in a guy.

You probably already know that women tend not to go for nice guys. If it was true then you'd be dating a super model by now. While being nice is important in a relationship, many guys make the mistake of being nice to try to impress a girl. This causes something strange to happen. You appear a little desperate or needy when you go out of your way to be nice to a girl before you have created any rapport or a connection with a girl. Being nice comes later. Being bad also isn't a way to attract the attention of a pretty girl either, no matter what anyone has told you.

The truth about what women really do desire in a man might be a little shocking to you but here's the truth. Women look for a man that is genuine and true. They want a man that is dependable, strong and who instills a feeling of being protected when they are with him. They feel as if they are able to talk about anything with him including their fears and dreams. A woman wants a man that is emotionally strong and wise. They want a man that is secure enough in himself to be genuine when he's around her. It takes a real man to be himself and not play games when he has found the woman of his dreams. If you can pull that off without flinching then you have a chance at dating some of the most beautiful women in the world.

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