vendredi 24 janvier 2014

Attracting The Man Of Your Dreams Today

By Alexandra Peterson

You've finally found a guy that you're attracted to. He's everything that you dream of. Unfortunately, it's as if he doesn't know that you're alive. What can you do to get his attention and make him want to spend time with you? How can you let him know that you're interested in him and make him take the first step?

No matter if you're attractive or ugly, it is possible to attract the attention of any guy that you want. While you might think that men are only attracted to beautiful, slim women, this isn't necessarily true. True attraction and love are born in the heart and often go unexplained for most men. So, don't give up hope if you're not thin, young and in shape. It is always possible to date the kind of men that you dream of if you know a little bit about how a man feels love.

The first thing you can concentrate on to get his attention and make him notice you is your smile. We all look more pleasant when we smile at someone that we adore. Something truly glorious happens to us. Your face will have a glow to it and your eyes will sparkle when you look at him. This special kind of smile will convey your emotions silently to him and he will find it attractive.

Practice smiling in the mirror as you think about the guy that you're interested in. Close your eyes, think about him, open your eyes and then smile a nice, natural smile. A fake smile sends the message that you're hiding something. It's unnatural. This is the smile that you give to friends and coworkers. The smile for that special man is a little bit different. Practice smiling naturally and show him that smile the next time you see him.

Another trick that you can use to leverage a man's visual nature is to change your style a little bit. No matter if you see him often or only from time to time, he probably knows what you look like and how you normally appear to him. In order to trick his mind into thinking that you have changed, you can change your appearance or style just a little bit. There's no need for huge changes or a drastic makeover. Simply changing your style temporarily to show a different side of you to him is what we are trying to do.

Let's say that you're a girl that always wears skirts and you have to dress up for work, try a different style. If you normally wear long skirts or dress pants, try wearing shorter skirt. Likewise, if you normally wear short skirts, try going with a longer style for a change. If he has always seen you dressed casually, try dressing up for a change. If you always wear your hair down, try wearing it back or up. If you always wear jeans, try a different style of jeans or go for a skirt. If you simply can't function in another other than jeans, add a pair of heels to our outfit and you have dressed up a pair of jeans in a way that will drive some men wild. Your goal or aim is to make him notice you and for him to see that something has changed about you. This will cause interest in him and he will become curious.

The next trick might sound a little daring but you can pull it off if you can manage to act casual about it. The next time you see him or talk to him, be sure to touch him. Make physical contact with him by touching his arm or shoulder or back. If he walks by you and says hello, just reach out and touch him ever so gently. This contact will send him a non-verbal message that you are interested in him without hugging him or grabbing him or even having to tell him that you find him attractive.

There are many cultures where touching is more acceptable than others. Touching is almost always pleasant to most people. Touching is a simple way to make a physical and emotional connection with another human being. Even though most men might not be fond of touching, most enjoy being touched and this is something that you can do that is simple and innocent to make him like you. Touching will make him want you to touch him more and it is more powerful than you might think.

Try some of these tricks and you will find that the man of your dreams will become more interested in you. He will seek you out and become more attracted to you no matter what you might look like or where your relationship stands today. Don't doubt yourself. Some of the most attractive women in the world are thought to be beautiful not because of how they look but because of some of the methods that you have learned here today. Make that man yours. Be brave and go out on a limb to get him interested in you the way that you want.

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