jeudi 16 janvier 2014

Some Options For ADHD Treatment NYC Residents Should Know Of

By Marissa Velazquez

If looking for ADHD treatment NYC residents have a number of options to choose from. Understanding the basics of this condition will help greatly in proper selection of the treatment modalities. ADHD or attention deficit hyperactive disorder is developmental disorder that is mainly characterised by inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Some symptoms may predominate over others. The prevalence is highest among adults.

Therapy is largely two pronged; pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. It is important that both of these types of therapy are administered regularly so as to increase the chances of an improvement. Various players need to cooperate with each other for the therapies to succeed. Such players include parents, teachers, therapist and friends. Support groups comprising people struggling with similar problems are equally helpful and are highly recommended.

The drugs used are broadly classified into two; stimulants and non-stimulants. The former are preferred due to their effectiveness in alleviating hyperactivity symptoms. They are, however, associated with a number of side effects and have to be prescribed cautiously. Patients frequently complain of disturbances of sleep and appetite and increased levels of anxiety. A formulation comprising amphetamine and dextroamphetamine is one of the most commonly prescribed agents.

Non-stimulants include atomoxetine and clonidine. Guanfacine hydrochloride is a drug that was initially designed for controlling blood pressure but has also been shown to be effective. Like the stimulants, there is need to monitor closely for the presence of any adverse drug reactions and side effects. Other classes of drugs may be prescribed simultaneously to reduce the incidence of side effects. Antidepressant agents are commonly given for this season.

It has been shown through research that between 2% and 5% of adults are affected. Only half of them have had the condition since childhood. There are subtle differences between the symptoms that are seen in childhood and those that are seen in adolescence and adulthood. For instance, adults tend to be restless rather than hyperactive. They lack social skills making it difficult to start and maintaining meaningful relationships.

The exact cause of this condition is not well known but there are a number of predisposing factors. Genetic factors play a major role representing about 76% of the causes. The effect of the environment is significant right from the time of conception. Consumption of alcohol may lead to what is commonly known as fetal alcohol syndrome of which ADHD is a feature. The same pattern of symptoms is seen in smokers and persons that are exposed to chemicals such as lead, organophosphates and dialkyl sulphate.

The role of psychological therapy cannot be emphasized. One of the greatest forms of this this therapy is behavioural modification. The therapist has to involve the parents of an affected child very closely because it is them that are in constant contact with their child. It is usually given alongside special education strategies. Behavioural therapy helps improve self-esteem of affected children.

An important fact on ADHD treatment NYC patients should know is that they should be in constant consultation with a qualified specialist. Such specialists will assess the situation and give the most appropriate plan. When properly managed, most patients will recover.

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