lundi 1 septembre 2014

With Conservative Candidates Illinois 2014 Voters Look For Qualities

By Mattie MacDonald

Knowing how to vote for in an election can be confusing. If you have not declared your political affiliation and are uncertain about where your loyalties lie, you may be less than eager to vote. However, you can identify if certain politicians appeal to you by knowing what characteristics to look for in their platforms. When it comes to considering conservative candidates Illinois 2014 voters like you may look for these qualities that hallmark this particular party.

The advocacy for smaller government tends to be a primary quality that members of this party embody. They argue that the federal and state governments both need to be reduced in size and wield less power over people's lives. They also argue that people in the country should have the authority to take care of themselves, make their own decisions, and avoid looking to the government to take care them and their families. Welfare benefits like cash and food stamps should be given only to those who are genuinely in need or too ill or disabled to work.

Along with reducing the size of government, these individuals also say that taxes should be reduced. They say that because people must take care of themselves that no need exists for them to be heavily taxed. Even more, some taxes, like that imposed on food and clothing, could be reduced or gotten rid of entirely.

Family values are at the center of these party politics, with most members advocating for strong, two parent families and parents being gainfully employed to take care of their children. They say that children fare better in traditional households and that parents have the duty to make their children's lives better. These individuals suggest that strong families mean that the economy and the country will also fare better.

Politicians with this affinity likewise argue that life is sacred and that issues like abortion and the death penalty should be abolished. They tend to believe in God and attend church. They also argue that because God creates human life, only He can take it away. Many politicians from this party push for tighter abortion laws throughout the country.

Imposing military influences overseas is a right that these politicians feel this country has a right to, especially if the country's military bases and citizens are at risk. They support giving the armed forces the money it needs to build weapons, ward off enemy threats, and take care of citizens who live and work abroad. A politician from this party will not vote to cut funding or reduce the military's size.

This party likewise says that each state should have the obligation to educate its students. School matters are to be decided at the state level rather than at the federal level. They oppose giving excess federal dollars to public schools, but rather suggest that each state raise the funds through taxation to finance its public school system.

Conservative politicians tend to favor these qualities. When you know the characteristics that hallmark this party, you can make a sound decision about for whom to vote in the 2014 elections. This information could make the elections less confusing for you.

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