mardi 2 septembre 2014

How To Adopt A Child In NY Legally

By Mattie MacDonald

Accepting to become a foster parent means that you are ready to take care of children with an open and loving heart in your home and provide them with all the care and attention you possibly can. Such an experience can completely change both your life and the child you take up as well. However, as exciting as this may sound, it is important to know how to adopt a child in NY.

At the moment, there are so countless children in orphanages for the love and care that comes with being in a foster home just in the New York City. They exist in every age between infancy to teenage hood. Some of these are children only need temporary foster homes while some need them for all their age dependent lives.

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, then the first thing you need to do is to call up the Child Welfare hotline under the NYC Children Services. They will send you an information packet that will tell you everything you need to know about becoming a foster parent. This applies for both individuals residing in new york or outside the City. After your first call, you may arrange to attend an orientation immediately or you may decide to just wait for the information package. An information forum is also conveniently available.

The second step would be to attend the planned orientation. Here, the children welfare personnel will take you through an outline of what foster care is all about. This will be your chance to ask as many questions as possible and clear all confusions in your mind.

At the end of the orientation, an application form will be given to you to fill. This form should be dropped off at your foster care agency. The agency will then get back to you so as to begin the home study.

After you are contacted, a social worker will be appointed to work with you for a couple of months. The aim of this is to get enough information about you as possible. You will also be required to have all the adults in your household to get back ground checks on any youngster abuse cases through the State Register. It will also be necessary to submit a number of relevant documents to your foster agency such as birth certificates, marriage license, medical reports and tax returns. This information is submitted to the courts and the child welfare agency and will be used to assign children to your foster care.

Another requirement as the home study continues should be that you take a Model Approach Partnership in Parenting (MAPP) training programme. This is meant to instill good parenting skills in you. You will learn about how to help children adjust in their temporary homes and how to deal with birth parents. Other information such as you subsidies, rights and responsibilities will also be explained to you here.

After successful completion of the home study and the training programme, you will have become a certified foster parent. Now you ought to be in a position to provide shelter for foster children and even adopt your own children if you would like.

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