jeudi 17 décembre 2015

The Only Way To Know Your Live Is Rock Solid

By Evan Sanders

Love can be the most wonderful and yet heartbreaking thing to experience.

We've all been there. We've struggled to continue maintaining our love when times get tough.

True love is tested in many ways. But the greatest test of two peoples love is the presence of time and space. When these elements are in the equation, it will either break your relationship or solidify it even further. However, it takes two people to really make something work and both people must be willing to give fully.

The bond of true love is unbreakable.

Spending time away from someone really gives you a clear understanding of how much that person means to you. Sometimes when were are with each other so often we take the other person for granted. It's not necessarily that it's done on purpose but rather that it happens when you get used to someone. When time and space enter into the equation however, that changes things completely.

True love is miraculous.

Funny thing is, even though you may have gone through a breakup with someone, those feelings that are left over between you and them will often be undeniable. If you can both drop your ego and really speak what is in your heart, you might just get back together.

When you really love someone, there's no acceptable excuse to mistreat them.

Loyalty and commitment are the only things that really matter. When in a long distance relationship, that space will create room for temptations, foreboding, worry, and many other challenges. These are tests of your love and your strength. Truly these tests will make you aware of how deep your love is for another person.

Real love is about caring about the other person deeply and committing to going through hardships and obstacles with them. It's not about being with someone only when it's convenient for you. It's about investing into someone and allowing them to invest into you.

Relationships can be incredibly hard at times but they can bring the best out in you. They can make you into a man or woman who is better off than they were without the other person.

Are you willing to take a stand for true love?

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